
Steel mills diversification is a beneficial attempt

May have a wisco example before, and many steel mills also to "food and clothing live line" industry preferred.In September this year, the private steel mills, giant tianjin RongCheng group announced on liquor-making industry in luzhou build 100000 tons of white wine production base project,Longitudinal Welded pipe and tube is expected to total investment of 12 billion yuan.Listed big steel mills party also announced it will invest 20 million yuan and 100 million yuan respectively into the food industry and mineral water industry.
Of course, for the enterprise, the diversity is a double-edged sword, carelessly new profit could be haemorrhage.As early as 2000 before and after, the domestic steel industry have experienced a diversified development boom, from electronics to services, are involved in many fields.But in the end mostly failed, had to drop out of the contract.
Many analysts believe that in terms of the present status of the steel industry, steel mills diversification is a beneficial attempt.But the extension of the business in general should be around the steel industry chain as well, in this way can better enhance the strength of the company against market risks.Other such as these isn't relevant to the steel industry, food and beverage market channels, and talent management, steel mills have no advantage, the development of the noncore is a risk.


Crude oil futures prices

U.S. Treasury secretary jack Lew (JackLew) on Thursday, the debt ceiling delivered testimony to the senate banking committee,Hot Expanded welded spiral steel tube he warned lawmakers said, if you can't raise the debt ceiling before October 17, social insurance and medical insurance bills of payment will be threatened.In addition, the labor department announced that in a week as of October 5, initial claims for jobless benefits for 374000. Economists are expected to an average of 310000. After investigation for MW analysts on average expected the number will rise to 312000.Data for the first time to apply for unemployment benefits last week, the main reason is that computer malfunctions in California.

MillerTabak,Carbon Steel Slip On Raised Face Flange chief economic strategist Andrew Wilkinson (AndrewWilkinson) said: "given the last with the reported data of confusion, we took it with a grain of salt. Jobless claims last week, reached the highest in sandy hurricane attacks last year, and the total number of claims for unemployment benefits was also climbed to a record high since march. Now we also need a few weeks time to digest the influence of a government shutdown, this prompted investors speculated that it will affect on the level of private employment."

Other markets, the New York mercantile exchange for delivery in December gold futures prices fell $10.30, closed at $1296.90 an ounce. November delivery of crude oil futures prices rose $1.40,Industry Standard Welding Neck Flange to settle at $103.01 a barrel.The republicans will propose raising the debt ceiling temporarily.According to the Wall Street journal, it was reported that the house republican leader will propose raising the debt ceiling temporarily, it can give both parties an additional six weeks further negotiations, to achieve a wider range of budget agreement.

Major breakthroughs were made in the bill means that both parties the budget impasse, budget impasse in the United States part of the federal government shut down, and threaten America's ability to borrow.According to people familiar with the republican leader, is expected on Thursday morning communicate the plan to the party of high-level closed-door meeting. House republicans after the number of hours will go to the White House with Mr Obama held a meeting,schedule 40 hot dipped galvanized steel pipe this will be the first time since a government shutdown last week.

Finance minister in the United States: don't raise debt limit financial markets will have been severely damaged.
Jack Lew, us Treasury secretary on Thursday in the senate finance committee, said if congress does not raise the government debt limit in time, the government will default, financial markets will suffer serious damage.Jack Lew reiterated that on October 17, is to increase the debt ceiling deadline, now the so-called "extreme measures" can't stand to October 17, when borrowing authority granted to the federal government will run out of congress.Jack Lew urged congress can not only improve the government's debt ceiling, and allow the government to open the door at the same time. Because both parties cannot agree on the new government's budget for the fiscal year, part of the American government shut down has entered the first ten days.


"Steel plate basically don't earn money"

Be worth what carry is, from more than 5 million tons of iron and steel enterprise profits of different business sectors, the steel plate basically don't earn money.
Wang Yingsheng said,Double-sided submerged arc welding steel pipe from the fourth quarter of 2011 to now, the steel plate are losing money, although there are dozens of billions of profits, but the basic steel from the mines, steel mills of the financial industry, the steel industry to obtain profit.

Cisa figures, in 2011, more than 5 million tons of iron and steel enterprise profit is 70.259 billion yuan, profit is 30.433 billion yuan, in which steel is mainly mining company profit of 15.265 billion yuan, the financial enterprise is 2.932 billion yuan,180 degree short radius elbow manufacturer the steel industry in 21.629 billion yuan.Fell by 2012, total profit to 4.177 billion yuan, of which iron and steel main business profit total RMB - 26.795 billion, mining companies, financial companies, the steel industry's profits, 8.232 billion yuan, 3.685 billion yuan and 3.685 billion yuan respectively.

In the second quarter of this year, more than 5 million tons of iron and steel enterprise profit is 143 million yuan, among them, the steel main business profit total RMB - 3.007 billion,seamless steel pipe astm a106 gr b mining companies, financial companies, the steel industry's profits, 1.39 billion yuan, 1.101 billion yuan and 1.101 billion yuan respectively.In the short term, he said, the steel industry will enter the transformation and upgrading, stage of backward production capacity, market competition is more intense, iron and steel enterprises will be through this round of competition, can the rest could survive, namely "leftover is king".

He also said that the current market has entered into the phase of excess production capacity, there are still a lot of capacity under construction or will soon be put into production. The overall demand is still considerable, but hard to improve significantly. Steel market will continue to supply contradiction, therefore,Ansi b16.9 end caps for oil and gas pipe the price also have rebounded sharply. And upstream concentration is high in mines, iron ore prices rise to fall, iron and steel industry is difficult to change.

Wang Yingsheng argues that, in the long run, 2013-2023, if will our country's urbanization rate increased from 52.5% to 52.5%, the Midwest to catch up with the east, China's economic development will also need a large number of steel support, therefore, crude steel production in the next 10 years will continue to improve.

In addition, he said, the recent real estate market to enter the best construction seasons, guaranteed by the economy and urbanization, construction areas, turn shantytowns into new housing areas, new land circulation policy factors, such as demand growth is expected to pull the long material, late to market. He also said that the recent new order intake increased significantly, the shipbuilding industry is expected to increase later steel demand. With a long cycle, however, its demand release, and the low order may be further compressed shipbuilding plate margins.


Increases in interest rates will only is the real challenge faced by the fed

Cut the QE may not difficult, but the exit road is not flat, interest rates will is a real challenge faced by the fed. Since 2008, the fed has cut short-term interest rates close to zero,JIS 5K Plate flanges to help the economy from recession to recovery. The fed has promised to maintain short-term interest rates near zero, until the unemployment rate fell to 6.5% or less.

Credit suisse is expected, the federal reserve will insist, shrinking QE, net purchase assets down to zero, short-term interest rates are still close to zero for a long time. Even if short-term interest rates eventually rise, the fed will not sell assets,marine steel butt-welding fittings elbow but to allow the maturity of bonds and normalization of amortization.The fed will be released at the meeting on Wednesday for the first time in 2016 economic forecast, the latest economic data (310358, fund it) prediction (especially) the unemployment rate will affect the market rate for the future direction of the judgment. Last publish economic forecast is in June, when the forecast is to the fourth quarter of 2015, the U.S. unemployment rate will fall to about 6%, the rate of inflation is close to 2%.

Expectations for the fed to cut QE have greatly pushed Treasury bond yields, and also push up global sovereign bonds and corporate bond yields."The time has come for a higher interest rate." Turkey's deputy prime minister Ali Babacan (Ali Babacan) said last week in the summer davos BBS.Chief economist at high frequency economics,Electric Resistance Welded carbon steel pipe wei for berg (Carl Weinberg) said: "the market is not willing to see the U.S. interest rates rise, the rest of the world is not ready to face higher borrowing costs."

When the U.S. economic recovery momentum in early 1994, the fed has also opened monetary tightening, the results not only in the United States bond market collapse,90deg Short radius carbon steel elbow all global markets. ECB executive board member, Mr Joerg (his) not long ago, warned in a higher degree of globalization today, the fed tightening global spillover effects may be more than 1994 years.

To prevent interest rates as the us, the bank of England and the European central bank interest rate policy has been introduced in the summer "forward-looking guidance", trying to convince markets that the economic recovery to a satisfactory level before the central bank will cut its benchmark interest rates at low levels. But so far, the effect of predictive guidance is limited, Britain and the euro zone's long-term borrowing costs continue to rise.


Domestic steel prices decline

As the forward price of steel "barometer" rebar futures prices is accelerated test, the confidence in the domestic spot hong kong-listed how much is a "hit", plus the downstream demand for steel has not moderate, Carbon Steel Slip On Raised Face Flange spot steel prices decline is widening.In the recent within a week, weekly decline reached 0.76% of domestic integrated steel prices. Rebar futures accelerated test, as a "direct" cost of raw materials of steel billet steel prices are also falling slightly, the spot of hong kong-listed volume shrink again, so the domestic spot hong kong-listed declines obviously deepened, the main varieties of steel prices generally downward.

According to the analysis, in the plate market, prices fell. The thick plate decline continues to expand, organization of monitoring in more than 20 domestic major markets, Shanghai, wuhan, ASME B16.25 Welding on the pipe end cap tianjin, Beijing, and other market weekly decline ton price of between $80 and $50. Said in the market, the business concerns of emotions in. Relatively low volume has lasted two weeks, no obvious signs of improvement, the downstream demand was no significant production reduction mills, which determines the necessity of hong kong-listed vulnerable. Beijing market in thick plate tons price nearly a month to the cumulative decline has reached 170 yuan. The price of hot-rolled plates volume decline in obvious increase, also "at the bottom of the" mainstream prices down continuously, the market pessimism is obvious. Terminal "buy or not to buy up", hong kong-listed clinch a deal is generally poor.

The hong kong-listed field in the building, weak continues. Shanghai, guangzhou, Beijing, tianjin and dominate the market and the national construction steel price of tons of weekly decline in most regions of between $10 to $60. Poor merchant ship, carbon steel spiral welded tube site procurement rhythm slow. Is only "mediocre" : the market at present in the inventory is not too high, business sales pressure is small, plus the Mid-Autumn festival, National Day double festival approaching, partial businessman there are still looking forward to the site of the first stock.

Iron ore market has "high-profile difficult to sing," overall is stable middle line. In the domestic ore market, Hot dip Galvanized Steel Water Pipe thin wall tube hebei region tiejingfen prices basically stable, steel procurement is still not active, business to market expectations of the late is not high. Imported ore price back slightly, platts 62% grade iron ore index for $135 a tonne, down $1 a week. Iron ore import volume was light, steelmakers even purchase, is given priority to with a small amount of complement, adjust the structure of inventory. Mining city, according to people familiar with imported ore quantity of the arrival of the goods since September than in August, steel mills in procurement strategy will continue to give priority to with watching.


Against industrial policy?

Insiders told reporters that jinan short radius 90 degree elbow jinan and laiwu distance but more than 100 kilometers, with the inland cities, it doesn't make any sense to move in the past. Relocation needs for a long time, the precision of argument.As early as in 2005, the state promulgated the "iron and steel industry development policy", says from the ASTM A234 WPB Carbon Steel Equal Tee china producer ore, energy, resources, water resources, transport conditions and considering both at home and abroad thermal expansion of seamless steel tubes market, large-scale iron and steel enterprises should be mainly distributed in the coastal areas. Last year, the state council issued "the steel industry productivity layout and adjustment astm a53/a106 steel tube standards plan, the core is 39 cities in China steel factory, according to the principle of the coastal border, within five years away from city.

Former vice-minister of ministry of metallurgy, China iron and steel industry association advisory Wu Xichun has pointed out, "South Korea, Japan's big iron and steel industrial base in coastal areas. Around the world, the steel industry is the development trend of coastal, centralization, coastal development because of low cost, low consumption, environmental protection, energy saving."

And capacity to jinan laiwu, obviously contrary to the iron and steel industry policy, but also wanting to transfer the coastal conditions."In the long run, to the coastal transfer capacity is possible, this is the big trend of industry." Jinan insiders told reporters.But the coastal mountain steel propulsion strategy is not smooth, restructuring rizhao steel is still in the stage of "fight". Necessity, in the case of a reorganization of the rizhao steel fruit, rizhao iron and steel products base formally started in June.

But people familiar with the matter told reporters: "although rizhao steel products base has started, but slowly. For any project, what kind of technology, adopt what equipment and technology, also in the study."At present, the work is advancing the turnround jinan apparently flawless he gu, its internal reforms for turnround. Even Mr Xu, chairman of baosteel said: "in recent years, the reform of jinan is very large, we also have no so big of baosteel."


The central bank this reverse repurchase for 10 billion yuan

Think mike o news agency on September 5, industry insiders said on Thursday, China's central bank open market for American carbon steel eccentric reducer 10 billion yuan 14 days, reverse repurchase operation today. On the basis of calculation, this week open market to realize drained a net 37 billion yuan of funds, for the first time since the black carbon steel butt welded concentric reducer second half.

On Tuesday, the central bank in the open astm a53/a106 steel tube standards market for $10 billion seven-day reverse repo, the winning rate unchanged at 3.9%.

Big news agency statistics show wisdom and ASTM A53/A106 spiral steel pipe open market this week with a total of 18 billion yuan bill and reverse repurchase due of $75 billion. Open market for a net 41.5 billion yuan last week.

Open market primary dealers general meeting on Monday and Wednesday at this week's open market demand, including positive/reverse repurchase and bill. If something does not appear in the list of requirements, basic is unlikely for the operation.


Shenhua accounts receivable amount to 25.1 billion yuan

As the coal market oversupply, prices falling, the coal and power industries profit growth of sharp contrast. The national bureau of statistics data released yesterday showed that 1 Carbon Steel butt-welding equal tee to July, electricity, heat production and supply industry profit year-on-year growth of 73.5%; Coal mining and washing industry, to the level of total profits fell 43.8% year-on-year in the bottom.

Annual report has revealed 2013 year and a half of the coal enterprise almost all fallen profits of listed companies. Yanzhou (600188, shares) by turning losses, loss of 2.4 billion yuan, and China shenhua (601088, shares) net income "only" 4.8% decline, has been the most bright eye for coal industry, China coal energy (601898, shares) net profit of 2.742 ANSI Sch40 butt welding eccentric reducer pipe fittings billion yuan, down 43.4% year-on-year. Part of the small and medium-sized coal listed company capital chain has deteriorated, in addition to the drastic decline in net profit, operating activities, financing activities and investing activities generated cash flow is negative.

And many electric power listed companies released 2013 red NianZhongBao collective. Among them, the investment of power (600886, shares) in the first half of 2013 belonging to net concentric reducer steel pipe fittings profit of 1.15 billion yuan, up 1016.55% from a year earlier. Anhui electric power (000543, shares), qian source power (002039, shares), the new can mount tai (000720, shares), Shanghai electric (600021, shares) belonging to net income 410 million yuan, 14.2279 million yuan and 14.2279 million yuan respectively, 469 million yuan, up 199.59%, 155.80%, 146.24%, 53.35%.

Center daily news listed companies in coal enterprises, the increase of accounts receivable and acceptance has become a very prominent problem. Even the profit is relatively good China shenhua, accounts receivable are increased by 6.1 billion yuan, 25.111 billion yuan. And yanzhou also lying on the center daily news 1.47 billion yuan of accounts receivable, compared with an increase of 58% in the second half of 2012.Yesterday, yanzhou equities relevant personage to the "daily economic news" reporter said that the current accounts receivable amount is growing, but "part of the increased because of the current accounts receivable settlement in rolling, such as electricity providers of downstream customers, every month they will have a rolling settlement time point".

The people also to the "daily economic news" reporter said, yanzhou adhere to the principle of "zero line", and the downstream customers will have a line of credit, exceed quota control, "because we ourselves also noticed that the more in this (downturn) cases, the more we should pay attention to cash flow recycling. As of June 30, the company has 10.7 billion yuan in cash, this should be no problem."

China coal industry association released figures showing that current accounts receivable issue has become to solve the problems of the coal industry as a whole. The first six months of the coal enterprises above designated size accounts receivable RMB 330.8 billion, up 18.88% from a year earlier. Association for the large-scale coal enterprise (about 65% of the total) accounts receivable RMB 259.3 billion, up 31.3% from a year earlier. Most companies acceptance rate of 70% or more, some enterprises even in more than 85%.

The price of iron ore from weakness?

From the recent iron ore price performance, it seems to have escaped by varieties of other commodities.But in the hemispherical pipe cap manufacturer in china case of the overall market impact, the iron ore can really?

Influenced by QE factors, gold and base
metals deep down, and even Asian steelmakers have said widespread losses and could cut capacity, but the seaborne iron ore spot prices not affected by the steel industry in the region pessimism, but continue ASTM A234 WPB Carbon Steel Equal Tee china producer to rise, the north China CFR powder ore back above $130 a tonne. Iron ore, seems to have escaped by varieties of other commodities. But in the case of the overall market impact, the iron ore can really?

Measure in week, in the short term, the supply and demand of iron ore is relatively balanced, stable price outlook also. Many other signs clearly indicated that: 1) the forward price 89mm SCH40 Seamless steel pipe and tube of iron ore is still in a premium; 2) China rebar futures prices rose sharply at present; 3) Chinese port iron ore inventory level is still relatively low; 4) the decline in China's steel inventories, and the end of the annual inventory in Asia seemed perfectly normal.

However, October 9 - productivity at risk of a seasonal decline in iron and steel industry in Asia. This will harmful to spot iron ore prices and stocks. Especially in 2013, the price of this callback may be amplified by Australian iron ore supply increased.

Promoting the steady growth to speed up financial reform

Jpmorgan chase's chief China economist Zhu Haibin thought, especially the new orders index rebounded sharply in August might suggest that recently the government's fine-tuning measures for the improvement of domestic demand has begun to show. For this he steady hydraulic equal tee pipe fitting economic recovery is expected in the second half of the year.The recovery will be tested in demand for liquidity and monetary control. "A tight liquidity, the central bank short-term mainly through open market operations such as reverse repurchase." Bank of communications (601328, shares), chief economist at the ping an interview with reporters said that if the future money affect the steady flow, monetary policy will not rule out fine-tuning, and astm a234 seamless carbon steel tee fine-tuning is mainly open market operations.

Reporter noticed that the August 20, 36 billion yuan seven-day reverse repo, the central bank on August 22, according to the news that day in the open market for $46 billion at 14 days reverse repo, the winning rate 4.1%, the interest rate remains unchanged. Central bank's total net public markets this week to put their money 72 billion yuan. Reverse repurchase rates are falling, tight monetary pattern has not changed.Industry economists carbon steel pipe fitting lr elbows 45 degree believe that China's recent economic policy was very positive, at the same time brings some challenges and pressure during the first half of the fourth quarter of this year and next year will show itself.

"Together next year is still a steady tone, whole is expected in the next year's price is higher than this year, so monetary policy is still likely to keep steady." Lian told reporters. He believes that the second half of the extent of rising inflation higher, tight monetary policy could be in the fine-tuning of the possible.Ubs's China chief economist wang tao think policy will continue to maintain "fine-tuning" tone. "The government is not to let slip growth under a" lower limit "- the" threshold "desirable level of 7.5%, therefore, the government is expected to further fine-tuning measures to" deposit quantity and optimizing increment ", strive to improve the configuration efficiency of financial capital and financial resources, but not a massive stimulus policies in the short term."

As the way of financial resource allocation efficiency, including deposit and lending interest rate mechanism reform, financial reform or will play a more important role.
On May 6, after a state council executive meeting, the steady interest rate marketization of exchange rate reform measures have been confirmed as the key of deepening the reform of economic system in 2013.In June last year, the central bank has expanded lending and deposit rates floating space, on July 19, the central bank canceled the limitation on the floor on lending rates further.

In a recent interview, zhou xiaochuan also said that technology and conditions on the readiness of the people's bank, the liberalization of interest rates on deposits are in accordance with the original plan in advance.


In developed countries is still the preferred investment

On August 21, netease finance - standard chartered said recently that the stock market in developed countries is still the most preferred investment options. To maintain for Asia ex-japan stocks ASTM A234-WPB equal tee with low ratings, and view the region's currencies.

Standard chartered, according to the analysis of South Asia, southeast Asia stock markets (India, Indonesia and Thailand) as well as investors worried that the market for currency depreciation or capital to accelerate the outflow of the danger of falling. At the same time, the American bond yields. Indonesia's current account deficit in the second long radius butt weld pipe elbow quarter was deteriorated sharply, the Indonesian rupiah against the dollar fell to a low of 2009. India's recent reform measures announced so far limited impact on the market. The country faces the risk of further capital outflows. China temporarily show signs of stabilizing, downside risks are easing.

In this context, the market has begun to reflect on the expectations of the fed's early exit quantitative easing, the next few weeks, market sentiment may temporarily turned for the better. Standard R=3D 45 degree Pipe Fitting Bend chartered thinks that the federal reserve to control interest rate expectations for South Asia, southeast Asia market is vital if they would encounter a new selling pressure.

Standard chartered cautioned, stock valuation has been adjusted, the local value, but also needs careful screening. , investors may be considering a move to some developed markets in Asia, you can consider to north Asia market. In their opinion, in developed markets and north Asia region economic growth prospects better drink between economic stability is better, at least in one of them.


To cook, writing a new history

In another confirmed that he leave the evidence of the fitness industry, someone on Twitter, said after he left, 4 inch SCH40 Seamless steel pipe they would miss him. He replied to the message, not to leave the health industry is denied.

In the past few weeks, he also unveiled his fitness activities in the new career path. According to information released online posts and attendees in IDEAFit fitness conference held in this month, he also won the award.

But in 9 to5mac website revealed he joined the company after the news, he deleted some tweets. In addition, Mr Nick public astm a234 seamless carbon steel tee website and all the contact information of the online resume, scheduling and many professional detail, were also gone.In view of the company will focus on the development of wrist watch equipment, induction, and health and fitness, he join in is very important to apple. On Nick's career, he has always focused on how to change people's behavior, his experience will help R=3D 45 degree Pipe Fitting Bend apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) writing a new history, how to change user behavior can be worn equipment. So, he thought to give up all this now, is very worth it, he is willing to participate in such as iWatch product development is of great significance.

In addition to have rich experience in the health industry, he also has a certain ability of product development. Based on his personal website, many fitness applications, Mr Nick in Nike Nike + access training service as well as the FuelBand development, plays a key role.

Authors efficiency of coal enterprises has little scope

China coal industry association policy zhang hong, director of the research on "first financial daily" reporter, said the authors efficiency of coal enterprises has little scope, therefore KuiSunMian is increasing."The production cost of coal enterprise includes three parts: mine's production cost, economic cost and the policy cost directly. Since last sch80 galvanized carbon steel pipe year, coal prices fall, the profitability of enterprises is declining, thus reduce costs become a majority of the coal enterprise, July when conducting research, we found that the direct cost of production is falling of coal mine, but the management cost, financial expenses and the sales cost and economic costs, such as policy, including the various taxes and fees, the cost not to drop, so the total cost is rising." Zhang hong is introduced.

In the first half of the coal enterprises above designated size main business costs rose 6.6% year-on-year, large-scale coal enterprise main business cost year-on-year growth of 17.5%.

China coal industry association also predicted in the third quarter and will remain a small increase in the second half of the coal demand, production capacity continues to release, the import carbon steel seamless eccentric reducer increase, the market continued easing total supply and demand, structural surplus situation, the whole society inventories remain high, coal prices downward pressure is still there, heavy industry production capacity and inventory of tasks, enterprises face greater difficulties.

Jiang Zhimin stressed that the coal industry relative to the market, we still have some lag, the second half of the coal demand growth will remain low, this play a constraint effect on coal consumption, the real market bottoms and recovery also look at China's macroeconomic situation as a whole.

Since November 2011, coal prices continue to decline, and prices fall, if you want to stop now facing one of the most serious problems is the pressure to capacity. China coal industry association, hydraulic equal tee pipe fitting according to the briefing since the period of "11th five-year plan", the whole society of coal to complete 2.53 trillion yuan of investment in fixed assets, new capacity of about 2.4 billion tons. According to relevant statistics analysis, the coal output more than 4 billion tons. In addition, in recent years, the main coal-producing provinces resources integration and technical transformation of mine into production in succession, form a larger capacity reserve, so it is quite difficult to production task.