
Steel mills diversification is a beneficial attempt

May have a wisco example before, and many steel mills also to "food and clothing live line" industry preferred.In September this year, the private steel mills, giant tianjin RongCheng group announced on liquor-making industry in luzhou build 100000 tons of white wine production base project,Longitudinal Welded pipe and tube is expected to total investment of 12 billion yuan.Listed big steel mills party also announced it will invest 20 million yuan and 100 million yuan respectively into the food industry and mineral water industry.
Of course, for the enterprise, the diversity is a double-edged sword, carelessly new profit could be haemorrhage.As early as 2000 before and after, the domestic steel industry have experienced a diversified development boom, from electronics to services, are involved in many fields.But in the end mostly failed, had to drop out of the contract.
Many analysts believe that in terms of the present status of the steel industry, steel mills diversification is a beneficial attempt.But the extension of the business in general should be around the steel industry chain as well, in this way can better enhance the strength of the company against market risks.Other such as these isn't relevant to the steel industry, food and beverage market channels, and talent management, steel mills have no advantage, the development of the noncore is a risk.

